Intromission: A Elongated Handled Skimming Thicket

How this all started

Later on getting fed up with those multi-bladed razors, I went to the double edge about 12 years ago. And the like it. All is useful. Then I started looking the cans of skimming creme and thought there has to be a amended way. And bought an inexpensive shaving light touch, liquid ecstasy and mug. That brush with the stubby do by worked Oklahoma, but the mug with no handgrip just didn't cut it - it gets slippery. So, I grabbed a coffee mug I liked and it's workings great. But forthwith, the short handled brush is definitely besides short.

Ill-use 1: The Look Is On...

My hunting started along eBay for long-wool handled shaving brushes. They were much more expensive than the longstanding length. Much I wanted to pay. Just, what I did discover were the shaving knots. These are the bristles in a plastic screen out of cap/glue that holds them firmly. They get in a wide smorgasbord of physical and polysynthetic bristles. And the end comes in an miscellany of diameters. I measured the one I was using and it was close to 20mm in diameter. I chose boar uprise and located an order.

Step 2: Now What?

A a few weeks later they showed up from Communist China and I began to give some serious thought as to what to make the handle out of. I wanted something warm and lifelike, not formative or metal. So, I'm thinking most what I have laying around and remembered a clump of bamboo unsuccessful back. This is supposed to be timber bamboo, but after some 15 years is just the right size for handles. Took my adage and cut down a couple pieces.

Information technology was green, so after some research I tried drying it in the microwave. It works, but non something I'd advocate. Far advisable to program ahead a bit and have the bamboo drying under cover.

Step 3: Putt It All Together

Choosing a section of bamboo a little longer than I wanted for a handle, first I sanded information technology drink down to get rid of the little bud protrusions and remove the outer layer OR skin. Then I worked cardinal end of the bamboo open enough to fit the shaving knot into using a Dremel type rotary tool.

E6000 is an superior adhesive/sealant and that's what I used to glue the knot into the handle. Set or prop the deal bristle end upwards and then the adhesive doesn't run into the bristles. Identical simple.

I discovered that if the bamboo was cut below the guest, the diaphragm ready-made a prissy end ceiling to the handle. (see the pictures). If cut above the client the handle was ringing and I occupied those with some urethane cast resin unexhausted from another project. Tinted and with some metallic flakes in it, those clad pretty water-cooled. If you are going to do this, I recommend putting something into the sunken remainder up against the worst of the glued in knot to keep the rosin of your choice from getting ultimo the ravel and into the bristles. That makes for a real mess. The terminal ones I just full some pieces of paper towel down there packing about 1/4" of them in tight.

I had ordered 10 of these knots, and soon decided there must be an easier manner (I was going into production) and purchased a 20mm Forstner bit from Amazon. I chucked the bit into the drill press and holding the bamboo toward the lower end (A far from the chip as I could get) it was slowly to drill the end to give me the 20mm hole I longed-for along with a nice "step" for the naut mi to rig on. Naturally, it turned out the Calidris canutus's assume't have a very skillful 20mm diam, just some sandpaper and a bit of scrape took care of that.

Ill-trea 4: The Ended Product

I've been using the unvaried brush for near 5 years now, I don't take good care of it, I ne'er rinse it out or let it dry. I whip up some lather, clash it along and set the light touch back in the mug on top of the moist soap. It has lost a duet bristles in the first year, but no since. The bamboo handle is property up beautifully. I rubbed a home-baked mix of beeswax and mineral oil into the wield later everything was conjointly. The bamboo is hard plenty that I don't remember there was a mickle of penetration and after all this time the finish is credibly gone, but it stock-still looks great. The natural shape of the bamboo pieces makes a very natural handle that is rich in my helping hand. And it is precisely the duration I was looking for.

The manage incarnate lavatory be anything you lack. I am happy with the bamboo, for Pine Tree State it was readily available. It can comprise ordered from various places on the internet. I have whatever large pieces I purchased with the idea of devising a bamboo shaving patsy. I am waiting for some razors to arrive and will replace their handles with bamboo.

If I were to do this again, I would probably purchase a larger diameter naut mi than the 20mm. Not a lot bigger, only a couple millimeters larger.

Materials I used are:

The shaving knots. These are non the ones I purchased, actually I bought from a couple different sellers, but it's been so long there is no record of the purchase. This is a representative taste of the ones I put-upon:

E6000. This has a great ledge life and is something I use frequently. I purchase it in industrial sized tubes from a local company, and it is usable many places.

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